The Pantai Timang Gondola is something that I stumbled across many months ago in a conversation with a local from Yogyakarta. I immediately began to research it on Google, only to find very little about it. Not in English anyway. So, it went on my list of things to do in Yogyakarta, and I set out to find it. What I found was something that blew my mind. Set in the middle of no where on a beautiful stretch of coastline, it was unfathomable to me that it was still relatively unknown. Now, I have decided to write a full guide to help anyone else who wants to experience this unique and amazing place!
Table of Contents
- What is Pantai Timang Gondola?
- How to get to Pantai Timang Gondola
- What to expect at Pantai Timang Gondola
- Pantai Timang Gondola Prices
- Where to stay
- What else is nearby
- Summary
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What is Pantai Timang Gondola?
Pantai Timang Gondola is, essentially, a bright yellow wooden seat that traverses between the mainland and a small island nearby. The ride is only about 100m long, but I can tell you that it seems much longer, as you are suspended above the churning deep blue waters, and waves crashing far below. The only thing between you and a plunge into the depths are a few lines of blue nylon rope, a rickety wooden “crate” with a seat, and a flimsy “safety” rope. Although the ride isn’t too long, you certainly would not want one of these things to fail when you are halfway across!

The Island has been used by locals for fishing, and in particular catching lobsters, for as long as they can remember. How they once got to the island before the bridge and gondola was built I don’t know, as the waves are constantly crashing against it, and the sides are high and formidable. These days, they have a rope bridge that they can cross over, and can even be seen at times fishing from the bridge itself.
How to get to Pantai Timang Gondola
Getting to Pantai Timang Gondola can actually be half the fun! If getting lost and constantly asking for directions is your idea of fun.
Actually, it isn’t THAT bad.
Be prepared, though, to try and find a place that is completely off the beaten track, and DEFINITELY not on the normal tourist trail. I will provide you with a Google maps location HERE, but you will probably be wise to either print the map out, or memorize it before you leave.
The reason for this is mostly due to the satellite coverage. As you get closer to the Pantai Timang Gondola, you will find several black spots, which happened to us on occasion. Basically we took our best guess, and then waited for the signal to come back. On a couple of occasions we also stopped and asked locals. In the end, it wasn’t really that hard, and the signal drops only found us on the wrong road once, and by that stage we were almost there.
Ride a scooter or drive
The very best way to get to Pantai Timang Gondola is to take your own transport. From Yogyakarta it will be around 2 to 3 hours, depending on traffic, but the trip is totally worth it. The ride will take you over the mountains to the south east of Yogyakarta, past HeHa Sky View and continues East. Eventually you will turn off toward the coast, and you will be relying a lot on Google.
I always maintain that the very best way to get around in Indonesia is by scooter, and always recommend that any visitor hires one. It is the easiest way to get anywhere, unless you have the money to always take organised tours, or the money and time to arrange a private driver.
Which brings me to the other way to get to Pantai Timang Gondola. Hire a driver and car for the day. If you have a larger group, this might be a good option, and in the end also save you money. Added bonus if you can find a local driver that knows where the Gondola is located, and maybe even been there before.
There IS an option to take a tour from Yogyakarta. This option is very similar to hiring a car and a driver for the day, except with the tour he actually takes you to specific places, including the Gondola. It is not all inclusive, as the price for riding the Gondola is not included. If you are interested in checking it out, then follow THIS link for more information.
Take the Jeep option!
When you are getting close to the end, you will come across some helpful locals offering you a ride in their jeep out to the Gondola. Now, I must admit that I was skeptical when I came across this, and thought it was a scam. But trust me, it isn’t.
They will tell you that the road is impassable. They will tell you that you will find yourself in trouble if you take your scooter any further. They are right!
We took the Jeep option, after a LOT of convincing, and didn’t regret it. The road from this location to the Pantai Timang Gondola is 7 km. About 2 km of that is absolute HELL on a scooter. It is the most rocky road that I have ever seen, and even though “technically” we could have taken our scooters, I don’t know if they would have survived. The Jeep costs 300k rupe (about $30 AUD) and was worth every penny. In the end if there are a few of you, then $10 each is a small price to pay to avoid getting stranded with a broken down scooter.
If you are in a mini van or similar, then let the driver decide if he will take you in, but still, I advise the Jeep.
What to expect at Pantai Timang Gondola
When you arrive in the car park at the Pantai Timang Gondola, you will firstly notice the brilliant views. From this point you are above the Gondola itself, and can see up and down the coastline a fair distance. Take a moment to enjoy the brilliant blue waters, and green coastlines before you head down the stairs.
To see some amazing drone shots of the Gondola and surrounding coastline, have a look at my YouTube channel HERE.
The stairs will take you past some toilets, and finish at a small warung and ticket office. From here you can see the Gondola, Rope Bridge and island. It is a great spot to take your first photos of the island, and sit to think about whether the long trip to get there ACTUALLY means you are going to brave the ride!
Around the cliffs on either side of you are more warungs and some bamboo walkways. These are great to catch the views from, but are also used by the locals to support the fishermen. You will notice a few “zip lines” running across to the island, and also to adjacent cliffs from the walkways near the warungs. This is so they can sent food and supplies across.
When we were there some of these walkways were in disrepair and many warungs not even open due to covid. Beware if you are using any of them, and always put safety first.
The Pantai Timang Gondola
If you want to take the Pantai Timang Gondola, then be aware that you HAVE to take it out, and then back again. I inquired about taking the Gondola one way, and coming back over the bridge. But I couldn’t, and the reason, although ridiculous, was also simple.
They are both owned by different “companies”.
I imagine that IF you pay both fees, you should be able to do it. But I was more interested in riding the Gondola both ways anyhow.
Take a good, close look at the island, and you will see that it is actually divided into two. There is the “yellow” side and “blue” side. The yellow side is serviced by the Gondola, and blue side is serviced by the bridge. Even the fishermen are all on the “blue” side as they crossed on foot over the bridge.
The Pantai Timang Gondola itself looks dodgy at first, but is actually quite solid. It is made out of wood, with well maintained pulley wheels that the ropes run through. The ropes themselves are made of blue nylon, and are changed and serviced regularly. The Gondola can “maybe” fit two people inside, but I don’t know how. I was pretty comfortable by myself, but then, I am 6 ft 3 tall.
They say the weight limit is 600 kg. I’m not sure I would trust it THAT far, and struggle to think of how they would fit anything weighing that much in there anyway!
The ride in the Pantai Timang Gondola
The ride itself doesn’t take all that long. It’s actually only about 100m across to the island. Though with the crashing waves and churning sea it DOES seem a lot longer. Maybe the hairiest parts are getting in and out of the actual contraption, as it is hanging suspended high above the rocks and waves below.
The other thing to say about the ride is that HALF of it is smooth. In the beginning, you slide downhill slightly, until you are halfway across, and then have to be pulled back up to the other side. This is when the fact that the Gondola is manually powered becomes a factor.
Did I mention that before?
Yes, the Pantai Timang Gondola is actually man powered. This means when you are riding across to the island, there are no less than 4 or 5 guys pulling at the ropes back on the main land, literally hauling you over that gap. If you are interested in seeing it, check out my Instagram where I have reel showing the process.
Also, take a look at the video link is THIS OTHER ARTICLE I wrote that shows my footage of when I rode the Gondola.
The Bridge
The other way to get across to the island is to use the bridge. This is a rope bridge, and was constructed not that long ago. It is solid, and the walkway is about a foot wide, with rope sides to hold onto. The fishermen use this bridge every day, and it is well maintained and, obviously, used all the time.
When you get to the island via the bridge, you can have a good look around, but you cannot get across to the “yellow” side of the island that is serviced by the Gondola. This is a pity, as the more interesting parts of the island are on the Gondola side.
On the island
When you arrive on the island via the Pantai Timang Gondola, you will be welcomed and assisted from the Gondola by the lone staff member out there. Have a chat with him if you can – he has a lonely time if it’s a quiet day!
Wander around and take a few photos, checking out the views and the blue waters surrounding the island. The one place you SHOULD check out, though, is down the stairs!
That’s right, the stairs. If you had noticed from the mainland, a part of the island has sort of broken off and fallen away. It is completely solid, now resting on the rocks below. You can access it via some stairs that are on the “yellow” side of the island and get some interesting photos of the gondola and bridge from below. Then, you can even walk around BEHIND the rock, through a bit of a cave and onto the “blue” side of the island. This is only allowed because the lone access to this lower part of the island is from the “yellow” side, so now you can get yet another perspective.
Pantai Timang Gondola Prices
OK, so now you are probably wanting to know the prices for the Gondola and Bridge and everything else. So here is a quick break down of the costs involved in our day to the Pantai Timang Gondola.
NB: I will not include price of scooter or car rental, as this is your personal decision on how to get there.
- Jeep ride over last 7 km – 300k rupe
- Pantai Timang Gondola return ride – 150k rupe (local)
- Pantai Timang Gondola return ride – 200k rupe (foreigner)
- Bridge return access – 100k Rupe
Where to stay
Most people who are visiting the Pantai Timang Gondola will be coming from Yogyakarta. In that case they will most likely be staying there. It is the recommended thing to do, and there are SO many more things you can do in Yogyakarta. I will put a link below to Yogyakarta accommodation, and also to my favorite place in Jogja to stay.
When we are in Jogja, we like to stay somewhere nice and central. We found this great homestay that is not too expensive, and is walking distance to 0 km and Malioboro Street. There is a nice cafe right across the road, and transport at the front door. Follow the link below to check it out.
If you want to stay more local to the Gondola, and other attractions nearby like the Gunung Kidul Beaches, then you can always check out the local town of Wonosari. I have personally never stayed here, so cannot give you any more information, other than the below link.
What else is nearby
Keep in mind that this place is a long way from anything, but still, if you want to make a day of it, there are other things to do. My suggestion is to do what WE did, and visit the Gunung Kidul Beaches on the way back to Yogyakarta.
If you haven’t heard of Gunung Kidul Beaches before, then you are in for a treat, because they are beautiful white sand beaches, that are some of the very best in Java. The locals from Yogyakarta come all the way out here on weekends to experience them, and there is no wonder.
I loved these beaches. The sand is clean and white. The water is a mix of those tropical blues and greens. There are several islands just offshore that makes the place look unique, and the snorkeling is amazing!
All of the beaches have warungs and restaurants, and you will have no problem finding a nice quiet spot to relax and enjoy your afternoon after your amazing Gondola experience.
If you are looking for something different and a bit off the beaten track when you are in Yogyakarta, then have look at the Pantai Timang Gondola. It is a wonderful day out, that is so much more than just a Gondola ride. We are still talking about the day itself, and the Jeep ride, beaches, and the overall experience of seeing somewhere so different and remote are almost as exciting as the Gondola itself!
Other things to do around Jogja
Are you staying in Yogyakarta and looking for more things to do? Then check out the link below for some of my favorite articles about Jogja!
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